The Belarus Fund (Reg. Ch. 1116762)

and White Flower in Belarus

Supporting the people of Belarus affected by Chernobyl

Molodechno school for blind and deaf blind

The school needed a way of creating embossed images for students to feel and identify. Their own elderly machine was defunct and anyway supplies were very difficult to obtain. They asked if we could help and our research came up with the Zychem blister machine which is made in the UK. Using special blister paper and pens, images are drawn and then fed through the machine. The machine causes the penned lines or areas to become raised so they can be felt by fingertip. This works for drawings and writing.

The Ridge Methodist Church in Stockport raised the money to buy the machine and the charity provides the supplies of special paper and pens to keep it working, making this a great teaching resource for the school.


This residential school does an amazing job of preparing the children for life in a sighted world.

The difference that this machine has made to the school is immeasureable. It's not just monetary donations we need, it's practical items too. This machine is priceless in terms of what it delivers to these kids.

Registered Charity No: 1116762

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